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Fast Points about Charles "Chuck" Argianas:
--- The photo to the left is Charles "Chuck" Argianas' official portrait from the early Eocene Period; for a more accurate picture, see our artist's rendering below.
--- He's a licensed attorney who eventually became a real estate appraiser.
Let that one sink in.
--- He runs Argianas & Associates, Inc., a high-power Chicago Area appraisal firm that seems to primarily serve corporations, law firms, corporations, the Federal government, corporations, financial institutions, and corporations.
--- He is on Forbes' Real Estate Council.
As in "Forbes Fortune 500." Yes, THAT Forbes.
--- His Argianas & Associates recently merged with Fortune 500 Company "JLL" (a global commercial real estate and financial investment mega-corporation).
--- He's the type of guy whose money's got money.
--- So, WHY does a loyal One-Percenters' vassal like Charles "Chuck" Argianas want to be
your Local Property Tax Assessor?
Umm, yeah, I know that Charles "Chuck" Argianas has NOT said he would do this.
And I know a lot of taxpayers feel that they should get a full-time Assessor for the tax dollars they pay.
But, come on, what other stuff does he have to do every day?
-- Other Stuff He Does
Look. Look. If a man decides he wants more and more and MORE money, power, influence, territory, and control, is that some kind of CRIME? Huh?
Well, I say it is not.
And so does Charles "Chuck" Argianas...
So, the haters keep claiming that the Electoral Board removed him from the ballot.
-- Electoral Board Removes Argianas from the ballot
Eh, Okay, sure, it happened. But there are all kinds of reasons that might explain this:
--- He filed late because he was appraising Chicago's Trump Tower and he forgot?
--- Because his dog ate his election filing papers?
--- Because he was counting all his offshore accounts and got distracted?
--- Because following the rules is usually limited to just us peasants, and NEVER applied to devoted servants of the One-Percent like Charles "Chuck"
After the Electoral Board removed "Chuck" from the ballot, the Milton Township Republican Party filed for, like, a "Do-Over" of the whole thing to, like, bypass the Electoral Board decision.
-- Republicans' Do-Over
To Bypass the Electoral Board Decision
Is this a violation of the State Election Code and the State Township Code? No? Should it be?
Anyway, WHY let the Electoral Board stand in the way?
-- Republicans' Do-Over Certified to Ballot
Thank God that
the Milton Township Clerk*** stepped in to somehow, some way, by-any-means-necessary put our man back on the ballot!
(***Republican Nick Nathwani, one of Charles "Chuck" Argianas' Republican running mates in the Township Election).
Okay, so next door in York Township, the York Township Democratic Party tried to file the same type of "Do-Over" that the Milton Township Republican Party did. And York's Republican Township Clerk stopped them cold:
-- Republican York Township Clerk Blocks Democrats' Do-Over
Which meant that the Democrats had to sue in court to get the same sweet deal that the
Milton Township Republican Party got:
-- Court Rules For Democrats in York Township
I mean, who do these Democrats think they are? REPUBLICANS??
Okay, yeah, his Campaign Treasurer is apparently one of his employees (and her given "address" is really Argianas & Associates' office).
-- His Campaign Treasurer
-- His Campaign Treasure's job at Argianas & Associates
Now, yes, anecdotally, multiple appraisers CLAIM that "Chuck" Argianas has approached them about his alleged "plan" to outsource the Township Assessor's statutory duties and responsibilities...BUT THEY'RE LYING! ALL OF THEM! Surely you know all appraisers are liars, don't you?
**uh, Except for Charles "Chuck" Argianas**
It's an open secret that certain members of the elected leadership of Shields Township are as bent as a corkscrew. Allegations of corruption erupted in 2022, and they just keep flying.
But it's not as if a Shields Township Trustee who was also an employee of Charles "Chuck" Argianas at the time was ever accused of being directly involved.
-- Shields Township Trustee Working for Argianas and Associates
Named in Alleged Corruption
Well, THAT doesn't mean...you...you have to understand...
CHARLES "CHUCK" ARGIANAS never did that, and he will NEVER-EVER do that once he's Milton Township Assessor!!
Nope. No way. AND no one can tell me that Charles "Chuck" Argianas TOLD this "Managing Director" of his (who was also a Shields Township Trustee at the time) to do any of this!
And, and, giving a paying contract to the Shields Township Assessor? Wouldn't something like that just be good business? You WANT government to be run like a business, dont you? Well, so does CHARLES "CHUCK" ARGIANAS!
-- Extract From Whistleblower Complaint to Lake County State's Attorney
Hey. Come on. It's not like the then-Shields Township Supervisor, two Trustees, plus the entire Assessor's Office staff, all resigned in utter frustration and futility over the continuing alleged corruption.
-- Mass Resignations: Episode I
-- Mass Resignations: Episode II
(Yea-h, the Shields Township Assessor "resigned" too, but he was soon re-appointed by the new Township Board, which still included that then-employee of Charles "Chuck" Argianas) .
Because LOTS of people "loan" themselves over 20 grand as a "campaign contribution."
-- Personal Loan to Himself for over 20 Grand
And the fact that he has money flowing in from mysterious AI companies and mega-corporations means NOTHING:
-- DDC Financial Mega-Corporation
-- Prism Insights (traces back to AI company)
AND his fundraiser's "Sponsorship Opportunities" reaching as high as $1,000 each...you know...I just...HE'S A MAN OF THE PEOPLE!
-- Did You Miss Your Opportunity to Buy a Piece of Charles "Chuck" Argianas?